Romance is a feeling of love, not just love itself. Romance is a higher point of love wherein courtship behaviors are undertaken.
The experience of romance does not necessarily require all of the things we’ve always associated with it – flowers, chocolates, candlelight, fireworks, or even the presence of a dashing prince or a knight in shining armor. Romance does not require the utterance of sweet and flowery words; or poems, sonnets, and songs composed of the finest lyrics and tunes. Romance need not be reserved only for special occasions like date nights or Valentine’s Day and is not only for those with a spouse or a special someone. Romance, after all, is an attitude, a way of looking at life.
You are a romantic when savoring experience is essential for you, that you’re willing to invest time and energy just to make your experiences more special and memorable. For a romantic, simply waking up in the morning or retiring to bed at night aren’t just everyday routines, they are moments to celebrate the gift of life and be grateful for all the blessings one has. By having this attitude and determining to see the beauty in everything, you too can experience romance every day.

Experience romance in a house and lot for sale in Cavite
At your Italian-inspired house and lot in Cavite, discover even more just how romantic everyday living can be. There is a myriad of ways by which you can experience romance every day or any moment just by opening your eyes and learning to appreciate even the most common or simple things around you. You don’t even have to spend a single thing. You just have to have a sense of wonder and awe when it comes to the things we tend to take for granted the most.
Ask yourself, when was the last time you actually stared up at the sky and took notice of just how majestic and blue it is, or got amused with the shape and texture of the clouds and realized just how remarkable they are? When was the last time you actually witnessed the glorious beauty of the rising sun or got gripped by the poignant drama of a sunset? Have you ever been captivated by a pair or group of birds gliding in the air, flying together in perfect synchronization? When was the last time you went out for a walk at night and noticed how the full moon is a perfect circle or had your breath taken away by the night sky jam-packed with stars? Have you ever felt embraced by the wind, or been serenaded by its gentle whistle? Indeed, nature cannot be beaten when it comes to the sweetest and grandest of gestures.
You can experience all these and more just by going out for a walk in the neighborhood of your house and lot in Cavite, where the beauty of nature abounds and where an atmosphere of romance can definitely be found. It’s now up to you how you will experience romance in everything, but the truly romantic will surely not have difficulty finding ways.

The romantic vibe of themed communities in Cavite
Experience the beauty and romance of south Luzon as you wander through Crown Asia’s thematic communities in Cavite. Crown Asia’s themed community in the province includes Amalfi at the Island Park, Amici, Augustine Grove, Caribe at the Island Park, Carmel, Citta Italia, Ponticelli, Vita Toscana, Vittoria, and Vivace. This also includes the pre-selling Amalfi Heights at the Island Park and the vertical community of the Meridian in Bacoor. Enjoy the beauty of these themed communities, from the wonders of the American countryside to the romantic vibe of Italy and its famous cities. Whichever community you choose, you will surely find love and romance within.
The Italian-themed communities of Cavite – Amalfi, Amici, Citta Italia, Ponticelli, Vita Toscana, Vittoria, Vivace – all ensure its residents the experience of a part of Italy within its secured and gated walls. These are located in Dasmarinas, Bacoor, and Imus along and near major roadways, giving its residents easy access to life’s essentials such as schools, hospitals, supermarkets, and malls. An investment in any one of these Italian-themed properties comes with amenities and a return on investment as the value of these properties will only appreciate in the future.
Much can be said as well to Crown Asia’s American-themed, Caribbean-themed, and contemporary condo in Cavite. Augustine Grove gives its residents the feeling of the refreshing American countryside in Dasmarinas, Cavite. With white picket fences, American-inspired homes, and spacious front and backyards, feel an out-of-country experience here. Augustine Grove offers lots only for sale. Go and experience the romance of America with a lot only investment here in Cavite. Sticking with America, Carmel is a Southern California-themed community in Bacoor. This community gives life to the unique architecture of southern California with influences coming from nearby Mexico down south, Spain, and the Native Americans. Carmel is named after the City Carmel-by-the-sea in Monterrey, California. Experience the romantic feeling of southern California in this beautiful community of Carmel.
Caribe at the Island Park is another community by Crown Asia in Cavite, this time giving its residents an experience of the beauty of the Caribbean. With an 8.8-hectare community filled with lush greenery inside the city of Dasmarinas, find peace in the fresh air and Caribbean vibe of Caribe. While in Dasmarinas, in the Island Park, a pre-selling house and lot community, Amalfi Heights, is also present. This Italian-themed community will soon rise within the massive Island Park and its residents would get to enjoy the same amenities and features along with Amalfi and Caribe.
Moving onto a more modern theme, Meridian is a vertical community highlighting the beauty of contemporary life. It is located in Bacoor, near major roads and malls. It is also a minute’s drive away from the Manila Bay Area, an area full of romantic and idyllic spots to choose from. Live in a vertical development where you can grow along with the bustling city of Bacoor.
Related Blog: The South: An Overview on Cavite and Laguna and its Communities