Dressing up while you’re working from home is definitely something that many people overlook. It might be tempting to just straight up wear sweatpants and pajamas 24 hours a day when you’re working from home. But, is that conducive to a working environment? While there’s something relaxing and inherently appealing to being able to wear whatever you want without adhering to a strict office dress code, there are those who would actually prefer to get dressed up at home to replicate the same feeling they get when they’re at the office.
As people around the world adjust to the growing popularity and viability of work from home efforts, Crown Asia has taken it upon itself to show you that the home is more than just a place where you lie your head at night. In the mornings, you could transform it into a home office where you could get your best work done.
This article is for those looking to make the best out of a terrible situation, for those who would want to create their best work and replicate office productivity within the confines of their own home.
How should you dress up in a work-from-home setup? Read on to find out.
Why Should You Dress Up?

Honestly speaking, most employers won’t care what you’re wearing when you work from home – as long as you get the work done. You could work topless on your bed on the company’s flagship project as long as you hit those deadlines. Who cares, right? Truth be told, it just might be a good thing that you stay comfortable during these trying times, it promotes mental health and releases anxiety and stress.
As Rheeda Walker, professor of psychology at the University of Houston and director of the school’s Culture, Risk, and Resilience Lab, told Times, “We are all going through an unprecedented and stressful time in history. If folks aren’t dressing up for the cyber world as they would be in the office, that is completely understandable.”
After all, if no one could see your work, then what is the purpose of all this pomp and circumstance?
Therein lies the argument for staying comfortable at home: mental health and anxiety relief.
However, as time moves on, it’s been found that dressing up actually has its own set of benefits. We’ll put them in a list for you down below:
Benefits of Dressing Up

Promotes A Sense of Professionalism
First off, dressing up creates a sense of professionalism and positivity. Whether you’re working for yourself or with a team, your energy, motivation, and performance are intrinsically linked to how you feel mentally and physically. By dressing up and setting yourself in a working environment, you tell your brain: “Hey, it’s time to get to work” and more often than not, it works.
On top of that, you become respected among your colleagues. You become that person who’s responsible and takes this job seriously, even while you’re at home. Who wouldn’t want to be known that way? This just sets you up for future success and promotions down the line.
Improves Confidence
Dressing up gives you the motivation to tackle your day. The ability to wear whatever you want and feel good even in the comforts of your own home is a privilege that many of us should look to capitalize on.
“When you feel like you’ve made the effort to get dressed and put on something you feel good in, then you’ll be more likely to approach your day with confidence and with purpose,” fashion stylist Sally Mackinnon had said.
Signals A Shift in Your Day
Humans are creatures of habit. In the same way that athletes listen to music before their games to get them in-game mode, the average person also has a set of actions that they want to go through before they start working. It’s simply a routine that gets us ready and raring to go for the day. Unfortunately, the pandemic has taken away many of what we would have considered being familiar with prior to the start of our workday. Gone are the long public commutes, the familiar sights, and the same faces we see in the office.
So, what can be salvaged from our normal routine pre-pandemic? That’s right, the act of getting up and getting dressed for the day.
Build A Routine
The value of continuing your normal routine even as you stay at home is immeasurable. Since your normal routine is technically interrupted when you work from home, it can definitely help you to feel more at ease if you were to wear something a bit closer to what you’d normally wear at the office.
“Keeping a routine helps us maintain a sense of control and degree of normality in times when we are feeling a lack of control, which leads to stress and anxiety,” Professor Carolyn Mair author of “The Psychology of Fashion” said. In short, dressing up keeps us sane.
Of course, Crown Asia knows a lot about building a routine. As we focus on finding and building lots and houses for sale, we strictly follow a routine and strict set of guidelines to make sure that everything we do is for the betterment of our clientele. Everything from buying homes and building houses is accomplished in the name of elevating your lifestyle. Yes, even in writing this blog post.
What to Wear

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of dressing up, let’s talk about what to wear. No one should have to dread going to work in the morning; to help you feel more comfortable and confident about starting your workday in your own home, here’s a quick guide on how to feel ready to tackle the day with the help of your work-from-home outfits.
During The Work Day
When you don’t have any meetings for that day, there’s no reason for you to have to go all out in your three-piece suit or an office blouse. During the workday, you could instead opt to go for a more comfortable style. In the United States, it’s been well documented that sweatpants and yoga leggings have become more acceptable attire for those outsides of workspaces. While these aren’t necessarily bad choices, especially if you’re juggling work with other familial responsibilities, you could also opt to go for more formal work clothes to keep up that sense of professionalism.
For men, maybe you could opt for a polo shirt or a collared shirt with nice-looking jeans. For women, maybe a comfortable sweater or a casual blouse would work best. In situations like these, find a balance between professionalism and comfortability.
During Meetings
Unfortunately, there’s no workaround to dressing up during meetings. When you’re in a meeting, people from your office can see you so make sure to dress accordingly. Make sure to dress a through you were attending or hosting the meeting in person. This does two things: show professionalism and make everyone feel as though they are in a real meeting. While dress codes may vary, choose something that’s appropriate to the industry that you are working for. If you are unsure about what to wear and you know for a fact that this would be an important meeting, ask the organizer for additional details to get a sense of what would be best to wear.
Also, keep in mind that viewers will most likely only be able to see a portrait picture version of yourself so make sure to pay attention to your shirt, hair, glasses, or any other accessories that may be visible. As a general tip, try to avoid any pieces of accessories that might stand out. While we’re at it, make sure to keep your background clutter-free as well.
Remember, we want to promote the same sense of professionalism and respect that we’d normally have in the office. Make sure that this translates to the workspace.
General Tips For Dressing Up While Working From Home

This article won’t be covering specific pieces of clothing that you should look out for. After all, everyone’s wardrobe is different. We wanted to provide advice that works well with anybody, no matter who or where you are. By providing the basics, we hope to help you navigate through these difficult times and come out a better, more productive professional.
That said, here are 5 tips for dressing up while working from home.
Make It Fun But Stylish
The key to a good work-from-home ensemble is something that balances comfortability, productivity, and confidence. With the Philippines being a warm country, you could opt to go for loose-fitting cotton pieces that look great with any other pieces. Additionally, these pieces would also help you in case there are any last-minute meetings being called.
With them being light, you could quickly throw on a blazer or a jacket, and then boom, you have a look that not only looks great but is also light and comfortable. Perfect for corporate professionals working from the confines of their home.
Choose Clothes That You’d leave the house in.
While you look for and lay out clothes for the next day, make sure to ask yourself: “Would I leave the house in these clothes?” If the answer is no, then they’d probably classify as home attire and should not be worn if you plan to get productive work done throughout that day.
This question helps you switch over to work mode, whether it’s slipping on a pair of flat shoes or applying a little bit of makeup. Yes, you want that element of comfort and practicality but you also want to be comfortable and confident in yourself.
Be Comfortable
Yes, striking a balance between comfort and style is tough but if you had to choose between one or the other, we’d suggest that you opt for the more comfortable look. After all, you can’t provide the best work if you’re not comfortable.
When working from home, you’re more likely to make do with whatever surface you have access to, instead of that properly equipped desk and ergonomic chair that you have access to. Because of this, we recommend you find comfort where you can. Not everyone has the privilege to purchase a brand new table or ergonomic chair for their home so finding comfortable clothes to sit in is essentially the next best thing. When choosing clothes, make sure they are light and flexible enough to not constrict movement.
Get A Uniform
You might not be around others all the house of the day but having a uniform leads structure to your efforts, especially if you’re used to an office or corporate environment. The thing is: don’t take the word “uniform” to be literal. When we say uniform, we just mean to have a set of essentials and key pieces of clothing that help you establish a structure for your day. Maybe you have a favorite sweater or polo shirt, don’t be afraid to wear them!
As an added bonus, establishing a uniform also helps clear out some of that mental space. Ever wondered why rich billionaire CEOs like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg always wear the same clothes? It’s because it frees up their mind and it allows them to focus on the stuff that’s important to them.
Don’t Neglect Personal Hygiene and Maintenance
Finally, don’t forget to take personal hygiene and maintenance into account. Keep your hair well-groomed in case you have to hop on a last-minute team meeting or put on some light makeup that can help you feel more prepared to take on the day.
As an added note, make sure to shower. Showering helps your body wake up and induces productivity. Working is just as much about building relationships and networking in the workspace as it is about getting your work done.
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