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The Advantages of Having a Good Relationship with Your Neighbors

By: Crown Asia
The Advantages of Having a Good Relationship with Your Neighbors

Love thy neighbors, the bible said so its only fitting to have a good relationship with them!

With the onset of technology, it is now seldom that people interact with their neighbors. Gone are the days when neighbors knock on each other’s doors to borrow a cup of sugar. Most of the time, families prefer to sink into the warm sheets of their beds, rather than greet the couple who just moved in next door.

It was also back then when kids will go to their neighbors houses to play with them and get to spend some time outside. But with technology upon us physical interaction with people literally living next door is now getting less by the year.

If you live in a community like Valenza, then you are lucky that you have a caring Homeowners Association. It is one of those villages where the HOA welcomes their new neighbors in a grand event celebration and continues to interact with them through weekly Zumba and other activities. It is a community where the spirit of being a one true big family is enjoyed by every residents who bought their house and lot for sale in Sta. Rosa Laguna from this Italian inspired community.

If you are one of those who do not even know their neighbors or even the advantages of having a good relationship with them, then here are the benefits of having a good relationship with your next door neighbors.

Safety for your kids and pets when away can be ensured by your elderly neighbors

Safety for your kids and pets when away can be ensured by your elderly neighbors

It is always nice to have extra eyes looking after your house, especially when you are out-of-town. This is what good neighbors do for each other. You can also do joint efforts to ensure safety between your walls, like more lights or even joint CCTV efforts.

Having good relationships with your neighbors enables you to have an extended family that will look after your newly purchased house and lot for sale in Sta. Rosa Laguna. It’s not even the home only, once you have good relationships with your neighbors you can even ask them for a favor to look after your pets and your kids when you are out to do a quick errand!

Village Maintenance is a breeze when you have good neighbors

Village Maintenance is a breeze when you have good neighbors

You don’t have to worry about unnecessary garbage cans in front of your home when you have many neighbors when you have good and strong relationships with them!

It can be observed that a village that is well maintained in terms of beauty and security has a good community relationship. If neighbors like and respect each other, they strive hard to keep the well being of their surroundings while other neighbors who dislike each other will not care if their environment deteriorates.

Maintenance does not cover the cleanliness of the community as well, it can also mean that not having good relationships with your neighbors can also mean that peace is not well maintained as some people tend to unwanted fights, shouting, and other disrespectful means when they are not in good terms with their neighbors.

Emergency Help

Emergency Help

During emergencies, it is somewhat comforting to know that you can run to your neighbors for help. An example is what happened to a friend when she was home alone when her water bag broke. It was her neighbor who brought her to the nearest hospital.

Emergencies may come at any moment so knowing that your neighbors can give you a helping hand in times that you might need it can mean a lot. It works both ways as well, when they need help on something you can also give them a hand in whatever things they may need, and nothing beats the feeling of knowing that you can help someone in your own simple way.

Peaceful Living is obtained when you maintain good relationships with your neighbors

Peaceful Living is obtained when you maintain good relationships with your neighbors

Having a bad neighborly relationship will break the relaxing and peaceful vibe in your house and lot in Sta. Rosa Laguna. If you have mutual respect for each other, your neighbors will be more mindful of loud noises, will unlikely invade your space, and will generally be less stressful.

After all, its always peaceful living that we want to achieve when looking for a new community to live in. Finding a community where you can enjoy peace means that you should also be the one to adjust as well, its not only the developer, the community and your neighbors responsibility, you should also find a way to connect and make good impressions with your neighbors.

Kids Playmates

Kids Playmates

It is a dream of every parent to have the child’s best friend lives only a few doors away. This means that your kid won’t have to travel far to have a playdate. When he gets older, you will have peace of mind knowing that he always has someone close by to run to, or he has a companion when going home late at night.

Finding and building a community of good relationships with your neighbors can result in your kids finding the best friends of their lives. Since they have playmates from just outside your home you can find peace that he your kid is safe and nearby when you are doing other household tasks like cleaning your house and lot in Sta. Rosa Laguna or going out to buy some groceries.

An Overall Fun Living Experience

An Overall Fun Living Experience

Probably one of the best reasons to have good relationships with your neighbors, aside from the peace of mind is that you can make your overall living experience fun for the whole family!

If you have the best connections with your next door neighbors, its like you have an extended family. With this, you can come up with fun activities wherein the whole neighborhood can enjoy!

You can set up a monthly barbecue or dinner with them at the local clubhouse, celebrate occasions like Valentines Day, Halloween and Christmas through fun family parties and even establish a strong support system when one neighbor is in need! The possibilities are endless, and it all starts with you having a good working relationship with them!

Opportunity for careers and establishment of local businesses

Opportunity for careers and establishment of local businesses

Another good result of having good relationships with your neighbors is that you can make them partners for future endeavors that you might engage in!

Who knows, maybe today they are your neighbors but tomorrow they can be your business partners!

Overall its not just avoiding loud music, and receiving baked goods when you know your neighbors and build strong relationships with them, because being a good neighbor makes for a peaceful and enjoyable living experience in your home!

So when checking out a house and lot for sale in a community, it is also best to look at the neighbors. Fortunately, residents of Crown Asia Properties like Valenza develop mutual respect for each other, as is reflected in the serene community they live in.

Related Blog: Simple Tips to Have a Good Relationship With Your Neighbors

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