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Best Ways to Get a Listing as Real Estate Agent

By: Hanna Rubio

For people who want to delve deeper into real estate sales and eventually earn money through it, there is definitely a growing career in this particular industry. And as you come across a condo for sale on websites or social media, you can’t help but wonder how real estate professionals get to close a deal and sell a property. Other questions are summarized along the lines of how real estate agents get a listing.

Being a listing agent isn’t just a job title just like a condo for sale isn’t just concretes and windows and doors. Just like other types of work, it requires effort, expertise, and patience. Getting listing leads for real estate agents is not that easy. Well, for some who have already established a name in the industry, it might be easier for them because they have previous clients who have trusted them. In other words, their previous listings make it easier for them to attract potential clients. But for those just starting to embark on this new journey, it can be quite a struggle but it doesn’t mean it’s not possible. With the right amount of motivation and passion, you can indeed work your way up the career ladder.

Here Are the Best Ways to Get Listing Leads for Real Estate Agents:

Inform your network in the real estate industry

Newly real estate agents entering this industry don’t immediately have a big circle that can help them on generating real estate leads or even former clients that can share their success stories. So generally, you will be needing to start and work with what you currently have. Inform and market yourself to each of your family members, friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. Some may not need your help yet with regard to their property but chances are high that they know someone who does.

Set meetings

Reaching out to potential clients can be done online or through phone calls but it is suggested that you meet with them face-to-face. This creates a more genuine relationship with people because they will be thinking that you can spare them some of your time to talk to them. Aside from that, meeting them in person makes communication easier for both of you, especially for those people who are not tech-savvy.

Create online presence

Yes, it is important that you create a connection with potential clients in person but you must also not forget to create a consistent online presence. This is because as the world progresses, the online world is also becoming more and more advanced and most of the businesses in different industries are now starting to carve their own presence. Leverage the different platforms and post on social media. This is one of the easiest ways of reaching people because, with just a few clicks, generating seller leads can be made with ease.

Maximize marketing tools

There are various software or tools now that can help you in generating leads. Such tools can be through Customer Relationship Management (CRM), search engine optimization (SEO), direct mail, google ads, and lead generation software. You can utilize home valuation landing pages whose goal is to generate new leads. These lead generation tools are highly useful in leveling up your marketing efforts and in real estate lead generation.

Connect with home developers and real estate professionals

Connect with home developers. Aside from homeowners who wish to sell their properties, home developers are sometimes on the lookout for someone who will manage their listings for them. A home builder that is considered a market leader can help you generate either exclusive leads or non-exclusive quality leads.

It might be a challenge for you will be targeting different markets than your current one but it will help open up new opportunities and generate more leads.

Attend events

In the real estate industry, it is important to build your network. One way to do this is by attending events with participating real estate agencies. This is a great move to meet professionals who you can ask for advice, and develop relationships with potential buyers and/or clients.

Prepare a business card. Give it out to every people you get the chance to talk to and collect business cards from various people, too. This would broader your real estate agent contacts and create foreign and real estate seller leads. This gesture will allow you to build connections and contacts that can be very advantageous to you sooner or later. In short, build your network. This can be done by also getting a realtor mailing list which gives you a list of local real estate agent contacts that you can reach out to.

Cold call

One of the best ways to help you generate leads is through using cold calls. Many listing agents use cold calling to reach out to people who don’t have anything to do with real estate but can be someone who wants to find their dream house or someone who wants to sell their currently owned property, in short, you are reaching prospective clients. Cold call’s goal is not to close a deal immediately but rather to start a conversation or spark an interest.

In the real estate industry, all your actions should be strategized in order for them to succeed. As an agent, you should know who is your target audience to generate potential leads. You can target homeowners that are having a hard time selling a property or those who owned attractive properties. Explore both seller leads and buyer leads for they are effective lead sources.

Expired listings

Contacting expired listings can also help real estate agents on generating real estate leads. Expired listing leads can be a challenge because owners are becoming quite hesitant about putting their property on the market for the reason that the first attempt failed. Properties that weren’t able to sell on an agreed time frame and the owner did not extend the contract are considered expired listings.

To persuade them on listing their properties again, listen to their story. Pay attention to the details to discover the points that failed before. Doing so will allow you to tailor more appropriate and achievable strategies to make this second listing a successful one.

Related Blog: What Is Circle Calling In Real Estate?

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