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How Often Should You Have Your Plumbing Maintained

By: Levi Santiago
plumbing maintenance

Plumbing systems are crucial to the day-to-day functioning of a house. Because of how frequently we use the plumbing systems of our respective house and lot for sale every day, it should be natural to pursue regular plumbing inspections in order to ensure that our plumbing system is free of any problems.

Plumbing maintenance should ideally be preventative

The plumbing system is one of the most integral systems built into your home that fulfills your daily necessities: having clean water provided for your usage in your home. It may or may not come to our notice that we require frequent use of water when living in your home, whether it’s to take a shower, wash our hands, use the toilet to relieve ourselves, wash the dishes, cook, clean, or do the laundry. A countermeasure that should be taken in order for these usual activities to go undisrupted is a plumbing inspection that is done regularly.

If ever the plumbing system of your home runs into severe problems, all the aforementioned activities could be rendered undoable within your home or made much more difficult to accomplish. Therefore, a plumbing inspection is not something that should be done only when a severe issue arises or is observed; rather, it should be the norm to have a plumbing inspection as a preventative measure for all the possible issues that could arise out of your plumbing system.

Cost and time efficiency

To some, the “word” maintenance usually evokes the image of significant sums of money being expended. For a plumbing inspection, however, the benefits are worth the investment. There may be an assumption among some homeowners wherein regular maintenance of their plumbing systems is unnecessary if their plumbing system seems to be working fine without any issues.

One of the characteristics of regular plumbing maintenance, however, is that it can be preventative. When minor issues in your plumbing system compound into major problems that could cause disasters for your home such as a severe water leakage or possible water contamination, it will cause a lot more money in order to rectify these issues. Therefore, pursuing regular plumbing inspections would enable the detection of minor weak points in your plumbing system before they could worsen to the extent that even your house interiors get damaged.

Ensure good performance of your plumbing system

There is a large disparity between a faulty plumbing system and a well-functioning one. A faulty plumbing system could have inadequate provision of water and quality of water; and the water pressure or strength of how much water is produced from your plumbing fixtures may be insufficient as well. It may even be the case that you are unable to use the water in your plumbing system because of possible contamination or severe leakage with every use of plumbing fixtures.

For an efficient plumbing system, there is a large benefit of convenience such that you are able to receive as much good quality water as you need under the right amount of water pressure based on your preference. This benefit can be observed greatly in instances when you use the toilet, take a shower, wash the dishes, do the laundry, using your water heater, and other seemingly mundane yet important tasks when living in a house.

What is a plumbing inspection’s impact to preventing problems?

A characteristic that is observed with plumbing issues is that they are typically subtle. A potential plumbing problem will not be immediately observable and could be present for a long period of time without attracting any attention. The point wherein plumbing issues usually attract attention, however, is when the problem has escalated into something worse. By having regular inspections on your plumbing system, subtle minor issues can be discovered earlier before they could have the chance to disrupt your house and lot for sale and its activities.

What is usually checked in plumbing maintenance?

A plumbing inspection would generally imply that the plumbing system of your home is checked, although the process can be divided into parts. One of the parts of the plumbing system that is checked by your plumber is the water pressure and ensuring that it is not too high or too low. Low water pressure is typically a symptom of an existing obstruction in your plumbing system, such as leaks, clogging, tree roots blocking the water line, among other reasons. High water pressure, which could be caused by the buildup of heat in your plumbing system, can cause excessive pressure on the pipes that could damage your plumbing system.

The two areas of your house where much of the water-related activities happen in your house is the bathroom and kitchen. The bathroom’s plumbing fixtures, such as sinks, showers, faucets, and toilets will be checked if they are functioning properly. The kitchen receives the same treatment; water shutoff valves are checked if they are functioning properly, moisture buildup is checked, and any signs of water leakage should also be checked.

Indicators that necessitate frequent plumbing maintenance

Generally, frequency of plumbing maintenance should be at least one time in a a whole year. It is recommended as well to not let your plumbing system not go through an inspection over two years to prevent any severe issues from occurring in your plumbing system. Although, the required frequency of your plumbing system’s maintenance is influenced by the characteristics of your property as well.

Aged properties

It is stated that older properties can be more vulnerable to problems in the plumbing system because of an aged property would imply that the materials that make up the construction of the property, including its plumbing system, are also aged. Plumbing systems that have lasted for years may have their material be at risk of rust and corrosion, depending on the type of material that the plumbing system has been constructed with.

Presence of older trees in the property

Tree roots are another potential obstruction to the quality of your plumbing system. Older trees have deeper roots, and the strength and length of these roots can grow around your plumbing system’s pipes, shifting the positions of the pipes and possibly cause leaks or breakage. Therefore, regular maintenance of your plumbing system can prevent such instances from worsening.


It is recommended to have regular plumbing maintenance at least once a year and to not have a lack of plumbing maintenance beyond two years. Furthermore, factors such as old properties or the presence of aged trees around the house and lot for sale can necessitate more frequent plumbing system inspections.

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