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Why You Should Build Your Real Estate Portfolio

By: Hadj Cabonegro
Why You Should Build Your Real Estate Portfolio

Whenever someone takes interest in the idea of investing, one of the most common advice they’d hear would be to prioritize building a real estate portfolio. There are many merits justifying this advice, especially if one somehow manages to purchase one or more properties from the best real estate developers in the Philippines.

While the most ubiquitous form of property that most real estate investors purchase from the real estate market are residential lots, one does not have to be restricted to that kind of investment alone. Among the choices available in the market include not just the standard domestic rental properties, but also commercial real estate which are not only stable forms of investments, but can also provide additional funds through renting them out to other businesses as well. Depending on both the short-term and long-term conditions of the real estate market however, there may be some properties that may be more profitable than others, but these can of course gradually change depending on ongoing or future events.

For those who want some justifications as to why they should start considering acquiring an investment property or two, below are three reasons why one should build up their real estate portfolio.

Building Your Real Estate Portfolio Safely Diversifies Your Investments

Building Your Real Estate Portfolio Safely Diversifies Your Investments

As the old adage goes of not putting all your eggs in one basket, so to does this apply in the business of securing investments for the purpose of attaining financial stability. Investing in real estate is a sound method for bolstering one’s investment portfolio, as not only are they a safe choice most of the time, but they are also almost always in demand in the market.

Given the variety of properties mentioned earlier, buying several real estate investments of differing backgrounds can greatly improve the quality of one’s portfolio, especially if they from a wide range of locations too. One does not have to buy property in a single area only, and it would be even better to spread out one’s real estate investments so as to cover as much ground as possible and achieve better profits for the future. While one can consider taking up this horizontal approach, they may also opt to do the opposite and just focus instead on a single location when investing in real estate, particularly if the region in question has the potential to become more profitable over time, such as in the case of developing townships and expanding cities.

When it comes to one of the best additions to one’s investment portfolio, real estate have proven time and time again to be an ideal cornerstone that is not only profitable, but also reliable.

Investing in Real Estate Can Provide a Stable Source of Long-term Profit

Investing in Real Estate Can Provide a Stable Source of Long-term Profit

Shelter is one of the basic needs that all humans require to survive, and thus it makes sense that it would almost always be in demand everywhere. This is especially true in the Philippines, which will only continue to grow more in terms of its population, in turn bolstering the demand for homes within the market.

Building up a real estate portfolio consisting of rental properties can be a great way to take advantage of this ongoing trend, as there would of course be a growing number of individuals who will need to have a home for themselves. One can start off with one or two condominium units, and they could then consider purchasing proper house and lots within established subdivisions to further bolster their earnings. This form of investment is sure to not only provide a reliable source of revenue for one’s own needs, but also for additional investments that one would like to make in other ventures within or outside of real estate.

There is of course the possibility of the market experiencing turbulence during harsh times, but thankfully these instances rarely happen and most of the time one may not have to concern themselves with that.

Learning How to Build a Real Estate Portfolio Can Improve Your Financial Literacy

Asides from the obvious financial benefits of having a real estate investment portfolio, the other boon that one could gain is the essential knowledge that can be absorbed from simply learning how to build a real estate portfolio. The skills one could derive from this can not only be applied to other financial projects, but also in everyday life as well.

By learning how to build up one’s real estate portfolio, one could get a better understanding on how the real estate market functions and how to adjust and take advantage of it for their own benefit. One would be able to perceive what differentiates a choice property from the others, allowing them to know what to invest in and potentially advice others as well as they become more experienced with the said work. Construction a portfolio also has the added positive of enhancing one’s management and decision-making skills, which can then be easily applied to real life such as for achieving goals that need long-term planning or in money matters.

Building up a portfolio from the ground up requires a lot of patience and consideration, thus of course it would inevitably result in one learning a thing or two that can be beneficial outside the matters of real estate.

Learning How to Build a Real Estate Portfolio Can Improve Your Financial Literacy

In conclusion, building a real estate portfolio is important for any investors out there if they want to grow their finances exponentially. Not only are real estate safe as a form of investment, they also provide a sustainable source of income in the span of years or even decades, as well as the act of planning out one’s portfolio will also help in better developing one’s own life skills.

Of the many real estate developers in the Philippines to buy property from, an excellent choice would be Crown Asia, whom have managed to create many upscale developments throughout Luzon.

For investors seeking out a choice condominium in the city of Las Piñas, there is Hermosa to consider, which has a multitude of high quality units to choose from that are ideal for the up-and-coming Filipino urbanite . Further south in the San Pedro, Laguna is La Marea, a prime 46-hectares subdivision that can be the perfect getaway for those who want a home away from the capital and are looking to experience a relaxing suburban lifestyle. Asides from these two examples, there are many more projects that Crown Asia has built over the years in South Luzon, and one can do their own research to determine which of these might be the best investment for them in the long-run.

With the considerably high number of real estate developers in the Philippines, choosing Crown Asia as one’s best bet is a safe option for those who want to follow through with their plan to build their own real estate portfolio.

Related Blog: Resiliency and Recovery: Why Real Estate is the Best Investment to Add to Your Portfolio

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