Every home has a style: The Minimalist style, The Contemporary style, Homes that are so full of plants that there is practically a living garden inside, Houses that are Swedish-themed that it looks like mini castles we see in Game of Thrones, Greek architecture style with white columns that oozes a modern and powerful air, and etc. But, out of all these styles, which one should you try out at your next venture to look for a House and Lot for Sale in San Pedro Laguna or a House and Lot for Sale in Dasmarinas Cavite?
We highly suggest the style of Southern American homes.
Southern American Homes. Why?
Why must have an American South-styled home in the Philippines? You probably have not met homeowners with such a home. And that is what will set you apart. After all, a hidden, overlooked gem has more value than gems common in the market. We will tell you why this is a gem in the first place.

Photo from farmfoodfamily.com
Also Known as Antebellum Architecture, It Has a Rich History
If there is one thing that would make something so simple into art it is its history. Though we love new things and inventions, there is always something about “something from the ages” that make our eyes glitter in awe. Once you have that House and Lot for Sale in San Pedro Laguna or a House and Lot for Sale in Dasmarinas Cavite that is inspired by such a theme, you can wow your visitors with a thorough history lesson.
And when it comes to the rich history, Southern American homes have just that.
Southern American homes are known to follow the features of antebellum architecture. And the word antebellum means “prewar” in Latin indicating that the original Southern American homes are built before their country’s infamous 1860s Civil War. These homes are also known as French Colonial or Plantation Homes. And because of the Civil War and other happenings that came after the event, only a mere 20 percent of these houses exist today. Yet another factor that would up the ante of your image is if you own a home inspired by this southern architecture.
Ever Heard of the Colonial Style?
But its history does not end there. These original antebellum mansions were inspired by the Georgian Architecture of British homes way back then (after all, the first American settlers in the country of the US were British). Thus these homes also have a coined aura of something that they call “colonial style” since these colonizers soon had their fellow Europeans migrate to the US. The houses they built were inspired by the homes they had back in their original continent. It is said that the architecture used during the 1950s and prior had impacted greatly the immigrants from the Atlantic when it comes to opportunities of religion and money.
Although it is also important to take note that even though these living spaces had the inspiration by the settler’s original homes in Europe, the homeowners also had to adjust the American architecture in order for it to be practical.
Traditional Key Features of Current Southern American Homes
With that and in relation to its history, the current Southern American homes still have a lot of the original homes’ features.
According to The Spruce, a website for home designs, these historical homes had “…the large, wrap-around porches provided coverage from the hot, southern sun causing humid air; large windows allowed a breeze to pass through the home, as did exterior staircases and hallways; and high ceilings enabled heat to rise within the home, keeping the living areas cooler.”
The very elements of the Southern design we (thankfully) still see today.

Identifying Characteristics of Southern American Homes
Many more actually to keep you excited to open your eyes to marvel at once you purchase this particularly inspired House and Lot for Sale in San Pedro Laguna or a House and Lot for Sale in Dasmarinas Cavite. From a symmetrical facade to steep roofs, here are some of the characteristics of Southern American Homes:
Shuttered windows
What is more European and Southern American than having shuttered windows? Just opening them up in the morning may become your motivation to get out of your ever-comfortable bed.
Massive entrance patios
Also known as wraparound porches, a home cannot be Southern American without the square or round pieces to make a patio. Just think of the Instagram pictures you and your family can make here.
Open-air living spaces
Ever tired of your covered porch? Well, great news! The southern design embodies in the open decks, porches, and kitchens. Indeed, you do not have to get out of your way to go beyond the premises of your Southern American home to get sunshine. You can get your daily dose of Vitamin D by just, well, living in your home with these amazing key features that would make your children that need to drop their get out more often
Shady balconies
We mean balconies that are built in a way that it is possible to have shade on them for most of the day. As what was previously again, the original curators of these southern homes have built their houses in the air practically. And an example of this is the building of their classic balconies in a way that always has a shade of, well, shade.
Central entrances both front and back
A homeowner of these houses would truly enjoy not only one marvelous entrance but two–both in the front and rear end of their mansion inspired by southern architecture.
Columns and Pillars
Have a Greek revival of the past with mighty columns. What screams colonial style more than the powerful signature look of the Greeks–their columns? Southern architecture follows this because, again, they also take inspiration from their past homes in Europe. Families would feel proud and be reminded that they are as strong and capable as the pillars holding their home together at the exterior.
Southern American Homes in the Philippines? Yes Please.
If ever you want a taste of this eloquent style of the US when it comes to one’s living areas, do not worry about migrating just to do so for there are already communities that have styled Southern American homes here in the Philippines. They are but namely Crown Asia‘s Augustine Grove and La Marea.

From their first floor to the second floor (the southern style follows the typical two-story architecture), Augustine Grove and La Marea are astounding the country with their breath-taking and aesthetic facade as if the French doors and gabled roofs are all the aspects people see in their Pinterest feed.
Indeed, with Crown Asia, there is nothing impossible. From curating Italian, American, and Carribean-inspired homes for thousands of Filipino families for decades, they have yet another feather in their cap to be proud of– Southern American-inspired homes.
Read more: Get Your American-Inspired Dream Home at La Marea, Laguna