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Kickstart Your Mornings by Adding A Twist To Your Regular Coffee

By: Crown Asia
Kickstart Your Mornings by Adding A Twist To Your Regular Coffee

Make mornings exciting with more than just coffee beans, cream, sugar and your regular cup of joe.

Lets face it, waking up in the morning is a difficult task, its all about gaining that momentum and energy to finally start functioning for the day, you feel magnetized to your bed just wanting that extra minute of sleep you really deserve.


The sun is up and it’s a brand-new morning in your RFO house and lot! It’s the perfect chance to fix yourself a great cup of coffee that can set the tone for the rest of your day. While that sounds a lot to demand from a cup, it’s true that a great start has the capacity to drive you to the top of your performance. Whether you’re a busy parent or a hustling professional, your grind will be smoother and more pumped up when the caffeine kicks in.

Morning routines are somewhat constant. If you have a regular 8 to 5 work, it mainly consists of waking up sometimes before your alarm, as your body has been accustomed to a new body clock wherein you are programmed to wake up for work. Then you either eat your breakfast or go directly to the shower to really awaken your senses under a hot (or cold) shower. Then it’s a cup off coffee to finally get you started.

But After Thousands of Cups, Things Can Get a Little Uninspired With Your Instant Coffee. So How Do You Stir Up More Excitement Into Your Regular Cup of Joe? Keep Reading — Here Are 5 Ways to Twist up Your Morning Coffee:

1. Nutmeg, Ginger and Cinnamon Iced Coffee Recipes


What happens when you put these 3 classic ingredients together? Flavor explosion. Simply stir these spices (amount to taste) into your cup and enjoy that warm, gooey, autumn feeling. This is a unique take on your regular cup of joe, not everyone will enjoy this, but it might be something new that might make your morning routines livelier.

If you prefer a cooler start to your mornings, throw in a couple of ice cubes, shake it up, and enjoy your iced fall coffee. So what are you waiting for? Set that alarm and get started early tomorrow!

2. Toasted Coconut Brew Coffee with Ice Cubes


We all love a good cold brew. Not only is it not as acidic as brewed coffee poured over ice, but it tastes a whole lot better. It is a good choice for those who have acidic stomach but still wants to enjoy a good cup of the common morning brew.

So why not upgrade your cold brew by adding a little chewy and crunchy treat to it? Throw in some toasted coconuts for some texture and flavor and you’ve instantly got an easy twist on your default cup. By adding toasted coconut on your cold brew coffee you are giving it a crunch that is a peculiar characteristic of a common cup of joe, its innovative and of course a great twist to your mornings.

While toasting coconuts from scratch each morning adds a fresher flavor, you can also load up on the toasted coconut you can use for the entire week.

3. Bulletproof Coffee


Facing a particularly full day? Charge up with a mug of bulletproof coffee in the morning. This popular recipe that’s become viral over the past few years is a rich, creamy coffee drink filled with healthy fats. This is exactly why it’s the ultimate Keto drink!

This aptly named twist in a common cup of coffee helps you be ready for a hard day’s work in the office, doing errands or just staying at home in your RFO house and lot looking after the kids. Because we all know that raising an energetic toddler takes up a lot of energy and a cup of bulletproof coffee might be your best source for one.

Just mix these key ingredients: plain black coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil — blend thoroughly and there you have your bulletproof cup refreshing drink that will get you energized for your day inside or outside your RFO house and lot.

Bonus tip: If you’re dieting, bulletproof coffee is definitely a morning brew to consider. It’s been popularly paired with intermittent fasting as it helps keep your appetite down and doesn’t cost too many calories, either!

4. Turmeric Latte


Who says you can’t get a health boost as well as an energy boost when you have your morning cup? To every ounce of brewed coffee, add a cup of coconut milk, a half teaspoon of turmeric powder, together with ginger, cinnamon, and vanilla to taste to whip yourself up a turmeric latte. This is a great way to get energized without compromising your health. It’s a good alternative to your plain old cup of joe.

Turmeric is known for its benefits such as it’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and can potentially prevent heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. There are a lot of health benefits you can gain in adding turmeric to your cup of coffee which will be good for your health specially nowadays with the COVID 19 pandemic still looming upon us.

5. Wake Me Up Cold Coffee Smoothie


Get playful with your coffee and level it up into a sweet treat for your taste buds!

Simply whip out your blender and pour in your coffee together with some ice and milk. From here on in, get creative! Add bananas and peanut butter for chunky delight or add vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup for a cheat day mocha milkshake.

Its your perfect choice if your sweet tooth is always craving for a sugar rush, this sweet concoction might be that boost for your mornings to get you started for your day’s work.

These are just a few ways to jazz up your morning coffee you can add a lot more like lemon juice, dark chocolate, whipped cream, and maple syrup— so go ahead and experiment some more and never wake up to a dull cup again! After all, everyone deserves beautiful mornings to start their days with. Go ahead and create yours now!

Related Blog: Putting a Twist in your Everyday Morning Coffee

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