Restyling and revamping your home may be one of the long-time yearnings ever since you moved to your Lot for sale in Cavite. While your children are on summer vacation, perhaps it is now the time to make your wish come true and start to redesign your house! After all, it is healthy to constantly form your surroundings to your ever-evolving wants and needs. Your home should be the one place you are in control of, and you must hone it to a house that makes you feel content and happy!

What Is the Most Common Type of House?
What is the most trending type of house design nowadays? Actually, people have been so liberal and uniquely themselves that nowadays, trends are scattered as how the colors of an abstract painting are. From having black painted walls and filling the walls even abstract and mysterious paintings, or being minimalistic to the brim that the exterior and interior of the house is painted white and the only color that is popping are, well, fruits, or being an extreme maximalist to the point one needs to one hop and not walk from space in the floor to another (but it is part of the fun), or incorporate a mini-green house inside the home to the point there are plants even at one’s bathroom, there is really no right answer to this question of “What is the most common type of house?” Because if there is, the people who own that house are either boring or do not have the time to curate their Lot for sale in Cavite to their liking. But you are reading this article which means you plan to design your house so you definitely do not want to spend lots of effort and time to end up with a modern house design that looks so basic.
How to Design Your Own House Plan
You and your Lot for sale in Cavite deserve to be honed into something you could absolutely adore and be proud of. Here are the many ways you could revamp and style the basic modern house and design your ideal floor plan and home.

1. Make an idea board
When it comes to brainstorming ideas for the perfect design of your home, it is ideal for you to have an idea board because it serves as your creative dump wherein you can eventually align and put together all your ideas and wants. It can serve as a puzzle board for you to piece together. Especially if you will be doing this with your family, it is important for you to be aware of everyone’s wants and needs for your new house design, and having an idea board could make this possible.
Additionally, this idea board could act as your constant reminder that you have an ongoing project on hand. If you are only making mental notes on your new design, you may soon forget it. You can have an idea board made on the Internet, although, it would be advisable for you to have a tangible one that can be clearly seen in the house. If you keep seeing this idea board, you will always be motivated to work it through to reality.
2. Look at different house designs
You can also draw inspiration from looking at already existing designs. You can opt to take an idea or two from it or follow the design to the brim. The following are some of the house exterior designs you may want to consider:
Especially if you are living in a Lot for Sale in Cavite or in Tagaytay, a cabin-like home would be well-fitting. Lodge-style decor, wood, stone, and natural earthy color palettes are some of the elements of a cabin-themed house. When it comes to colors, think of a lot of browns, and rusty oranges, with hints of greens and reds. It is encouraged to use a lot of natural lighting for this theme, but you can purchase exposed lightbulbs for a more outdoor vibe. Indeed, if you want to have a combination of earthy, cozy, but still kind of modern-looking house design, the cabin route may be best for you.
First coined in the 1970s, contemporary is all about combining and borrowing all different kinds of elements of the various house designs there is throughout human history. Some say it is quite hard to pinpoint references to what contemporary houses are like but it is quite distinguishable. When one looks at it, one cannot help but think “It is a modern house.” without even knowing the elements a house must have for it to be modern or contemporary. Most of the time though, homes that consider themselves to be contemporary have a sleek feel to them. It could be how it is quite minimalistic looking without the feeling of being empty. It could be the high ceiling. It could be how the interior looks like you are in an office or in a hotel lobby because of the open floors. Most contemporary homes are in a neutral color with a pop of color through modern, abstract paintings.
May it be Italian or French-inspired, most European homes are stereotyped to have lots of bricks, window shutters with flowers and shrubs right outside of them, arched doorways, and open foyers. When it comes to color, they are known to have creamy white and pastel-colored walls, if not bright red. Domes, arches, and even columns are some of the common features of European architecture. When it comes to lighting, a chandelier is a must. Do not forget to hang very exquisite paintings on your walls to mirror the many art museums Europe has.
3. Trial and Error
You must be open to making mistakes during this run of curating your home to be the perfect one. Do not be so bothered when you encounter one, however. It is all part of the process. Just remember that finding out what does not work helps you pinpoint what exactly you want. And, at the end of the day, you and your family should be very proud of taking the creative leap of curating a home based on your tastes and ideas.