Holy Week, also known as ‘The Great Week,’ or ‘Passion Week,’ is the week preceding Easter in the Christian calendar. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, and ends on Holy Saturday or Black Saturday, but does not include Easter Sunday. Since 100 A.D., Good Friday has been observed to commemorate Jesus’ crucifixion and death, as if it were a day of fasting. This implies that Christians all across the world have been commemorating Holy Week and participating in various services throughout the week for nearly 1,900 years. The five unique days of Holy Week are named, starting with Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday, which commemorates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The next day is known as Holy Monday because it was on this day that Jesus cursed the fig tree, expelled the merchants from the temple, and addressed those who questioned His authority. Some people believe that Christ foretold his own death on Holy Tuesday which is considered the next day. The following day is known as Holy Wednesday or Spy Wednesday, and it commemorates how Judas plotted Jesus’ betrayal with the chief priests while serving as a spy among Jesus’ disciples. Some churches hold Tenebrae Latin for “shadows” or “darkness” ceremonies on Spy Wednesday, in which lit candles are gradually extinguished while reciting and chanting a sequence of prayers. Next, The Easter Triduum of Holy Week, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

Maundy Thursday is also known as Holy Thursday commemorates Christ’s new commandment that his disciples love one another as He has loved them. It gets its name from a shorter form of the Latin word “mandatum,” which means “command”. Maundy Thursday commemorates Jesus’ Last Supper with His followers, as well as His prediction of His death, Judas Iscariot’s betrayal, and arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Foot washing is also part of Maundy Thursday rites, honoring how Jesus washed His followers’ feet as a gesture of service before His arrest. The next day is Good Friday, known as Christians’ most solemn day, commemorates Jesus’ trial before Pontius Pilate, death sentence, torture, crucifixion, death, and burial. On Good Friday, some Christians fast, while others abstain from eating meat, and many attend a church ceremony where they ponder on and revere Christ’s cross. The holy week concludes on Holy Saturday, the seventh day of the week when Jesus was laid to rest in the tomb. Christians hold a two-part Easter Vigil service late at night on this day. Easter marks the beginning of the Easter week and the Eastertide season by commemorating Jesus’ resurrection on the eighth day. This 2022, Holy week will be celebrated starting on April 10, 2022 (Sunday) to April 16, 2022 (Saturday). Holy week is a very special week to celebrate especially with the family. With holy week observances varying from family to family, here are some ideas on how will you celebrate the Holy week this 2022
Ideas on how you can celebrate holy week this year
Bless your Palaspas on Palm Sunday
In the Philippines, palaspas is one of the most iconic traditional doings of Filipinos at the start of the Holy Week. On Palm Sunday, you’ll see a lot of sellers outside churches selling artistically crafted palm fronds, palm branches, or palaspas. It is thought that having it blessed by a priest will bring you blessings or protect you from calamities.
Watch Easter Movies with your Family
You and your family can watch a variety of classic and current Easter films alone, with your children, or with family and friends. Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ,” “Ben-Hur,” “Risen,” “The Last Temptation of Christ,” “Hop,” and “The Ten Commandments” are just a few examples of fantastic movies to watch with your family as the week winds down. With the comfort of your home, it is guaranteed that you will enjoy every moment of it. But if you have a big family and your home is not enough for every one of you, try to look house and lot for sale or RFO houses before the Holy week.

Reflect and Reconcile
Holy week is a good time to think about things and make amends. We can commemorate Jesus’ pain, the unfair treatment and punishment meted out to Him, His death, and resurrection via Holy Week and its observances. We can think about asking forgiveness and making amends with individuals we’ve injured, as well as forgiving those who have wronged us, just as He did with Peter who denied Him, and the Roman soldiers who tortured Him. This week is a perfect week to reflect on all the wrongdoings we have done throughout the year.
Visit churches on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
In the Philippines, the tradition of visiting seven or fourteen churches in two days is known as Visita Iglesia. People pray at one or two of the 14 Stations of the Cross throughout their visit. Devout Catholics, on the other hand, pray at each of the fourteen crosses at each church they visit. Despite the fact that many people consider Visita Iglesia to be a fun road trip, it is nevertheless a religious pilgrimage. When you go, make sure you dress appropriately and are aware of your surroundings. While doing the Visita Iglesia you can also stop by and sight some house and lot for sale, claiming it during the Holy week as your manifestations come true during Holy week.

Watch or join traditional events during the Holy Week
Filipinos have a lot of traditional practices or events during Holy week, first is “penitensya” which is the practice of devoted Catholics self-flagellating as penance for their sins. People in some parts of the country wander around barefoot, wearing a twig crown and beating their backs with bamboo strips. The practice is frequently regarded as gory and savage, especially when physical crucifixions are involved. The Catholic church does not condone this practice, but it does not prevent adherents from conducting it on a yearly basis. The next event would be the traditional “senakulo” show about The Passion of Christ, it is a street or stage play. From modest street plays to sophisticated stage tragedies, each community has its own traditions. From Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday, some celebrations can stretch up to a week. Lastly, the “pabasa” is a Pasyón chanting ceremony that lasts for several hours. It’s a 17th-century epic poem that tells the story of Christ’s life, passion, death, and resurrection. The pabasa is usually sponsored by families and churches, and it is held in chapels or the homes of volunteers.
These are just some of the things you can do to celebrate the Holy Week this 2022. But always remember this week is not only about enjoyment and happening, but we should also know the reason why we celebrate it, we should know who is the reason for this season. Celebrate it with love, joy, and with your family.
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