An unavoidable imperfection that affects virtually all houses is a crack in a wall. A crack in a wall can be caused by different things, so if you are trying to find out what is causing the cracks in the walls of your Bacoor house and lot for sale, then this blog may help you.
Potential Causes of Cracks in Walls
Structural flaws
Hairline cracks in walls that are big in size and jagged in shape possibly indicate flaws in the structural integrity of the house itself. If the crack has a diagonal orientation as well, then the aforementioned possible issue is more likely.
The structural flaws in question could be the degradation of the supporting beams or frames in the house, or it could also be due to a significant shift in the house’s foundation. Structural issues require the inspection of professionals like an engineer or a qualified builder so that the flaws can be addressed properly.
Defective taping work
If the crack in the wall is straight and thin, then this could indicate poor taping work between the panels of the wall. These panels are drywall panels, and upon their installation, the seams, or the edges of the drywall panels where their ends meet, are sealed with drywall mud and secured with paper tape.
If the tape is not able to stick securely because of insufficient drywall mud applied, then the tape will start to gradually detach, causing a thin crack to appear where the faulty tape has detached.
Natural weaknesses in the house’s construction

Not all cracks in walls indicate problems with the house. There are certain cracks that occur naturally in a house, such as cracks located around windows or doors. Depending on how well a house is constructed, a house will have areas that are the weakest in terms of stability.
In the context of walls, the walls of a house have vertical studs that go from the floor to the ceiling of the house. Since a door is a passageway to the inside of a house, there will need to be an opening created in the wall of the house. Windows are opening in the walls as well. Because of these openings in the wall, the vertical studs in the walls are cut. Framing is installed around the borders of the doors and windows to keep the wall stable, but it is not as strong as the walls without any openings.
As time passes, a house will shift in its position very slowly. Combined with the force of gravity acting on the structure of the house, the weakest parts of the house’s walls, like the borders of the windows and doors, will continue to settle as the house very slowly shifts in position over a long period of time. This continual settling of the framing around the windows and walls eventually forms cracks in the wall.
Water leaks
Cracks in walls that have a discoloration on them can be likely due to a water leak. Moisture is a common cause for the deterioration of many elements of a house, and a wall is not any different. If the water system of your house goes through the attic and has a leak, water could run down on the inside of the walls in your home and dampen the drywall in the walls.
In the case of a water leak, the cracks in the walls or the cracks in your walls will be caused by the water softening thereby degrading the drywall. The moisture of the water will cause brown or yellow stains in the wall cracks as a result. If the crack is recent, it may not look that discolored, but the cracks in the walls will feel moist to the touch.
Ensure that the source of the water leak is located and repaired; and seek the help of a professional to do this task properly. Moreover, because of the discolored cracks in the walls, the drywall will need to be replaced.
Lack of temperature control

If a house is left unoccupied or vacant for a prolonged period of time, the interior of the house will not be temperature-controlled as it would be when there are people inhabiting the house. When people are occupying a house, they make use of air conditioners or heaters that create a consistent temperature within the house. Moreover, the HVAC system is utilized, which controls not just the temperature of the house, but the air quality and humidity inside the house as well. When a house is left vacant for a long time, it is susceptible to whatever climate is occurring around the house in the environment.
For example, if the season is significantly hot, then this will cause the interior of the house to be heated as well; and if it is the rainy season, there is no one to attend to whatever rainwater leaks into the house or take care of the moisture buildup that could happen inside the house. These great temperature changes will make the drywall contract and expand continually, eventually causing cracks in your Bacoor house and lot for sale.
Natural cracks due to new construction
A crack in a new home can be peculiar because the house itself is newly constructed, so one would assume that it is unlikely that a crack should appear on a wall in the house. Despite this, it is still possible for a newly constructed home to have cracks.
Fresh lumber used in the construction of a home can contain moisture that, as time passes, will cause the lumber in question to move in position while it’s drying. As a result of this movement from the fresh lumber, a crack in the wall, typically a crack that is small, can appear.
If your home is newly constructed and you are observing small cracks in your walls, it could potentially be due to the fresh lumber still drying out inside your walls. Give your house a year to have its lumber materials dry out, and by then it should be a good time to start to repair cracks in walls.
How to Repair Cracks in Walls

Figuring out how to repair cracks in your home can be not so complicated. First, if you are figuring out how to repair the crack in the wall caused by structural faults, you must seek the services of a professional, like an engineer, to address the structural issue. Only afterward can you patch up the crack in the wall.
This is similar to repairing the crack in the wall caused by a water leak. With a professional’s services to resolve the water leak, only afterward you can repair the wall cracks.
Once the issues that should be addressed by professionals are done, the crack in a wall in your Bacoor house and lot for sale can be mostly repaired by re-taping or painting over a crack in a wall. For cases that involve a crack with a discoloration. You will need to know how to replace the damaged drywall panels. If you are able to replace the damaged drywall, then the drywall can be re-taped wherever necessary.
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