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Benefits of Suburban Living

By: Rose Mary Madrigal

In real estate, location is prime. From accessibility, establishments, amenities, or the view, property seekers would always choose the best that would suit their everyday lifestyle. Among these choices are living in the suburbs, rural, or the city.

Knowing which you would prefer, city life, or urban and suburban, would greatly affect how you will be living in your property. Some are tired of living in the urban while others find rural life too simple. It’s important to know what is suburban living and why it has become a popular lifestyle choice.

Suburban Living Definition

Suburban locations are areas just outside the major city. City living has a fast-paced lifestyle, with plenty of shopping malls, corporate centers, and public transit.

Suburban communities are greater population density than rural areas but offer more quiet neighborhoods.

Suburban vs City living

Suburban communities have a lot to offer that living in urban areas is quite limited too. Although majority love the city living, city dwellers must be able to keep up with the fast-paced lifestyle and expense.

Living in these major cities does have access to a majority of things such as transportation, shopping centers, corporate areas, nightlife, and developed lands.

Population Density

Big cities like have higher population densities than suburban communities and rural areas which causes pollution and overpopulation.

Those living in suburban areas can have more space and a quiet neighborhood that most living in the urban area are limited to.

Cost of Living

It’s not a surprise living in an urban area requires having enough financial means. Like metropolitan areas, food, and transportation come at an expense. Besides this, taxes, properties, and utility rates are higher for those living in big cities.


Living in the cities is always known to be fun, new, young, loud, and having access to malls, cinemas, and other entertainment centers.

The suburban lifestyle has its own kind of entertainment. While restaurants, shopping centers, and cinemas, are still part of its community, entertainment in the suburbs is more focused on well-being.

Of course, urban and suburban differ in population, so if you’re more into meeting new people most nights or dancing the night away, in the suburbs you have more opportunity to enjoy amenities, parks, and open spaces with lesser people.

What About Rural Areas?

Rural areas are open fields meaning, less to no other people living near you. Unlike the suburbs, those choosing to live in the rural area would likely have to be self-sustaining otherwise, would travel to a nearby district for amenities and supplies.

Fewer Amenities

Emergency services may be difficult to reach areas in the rural community since hospitals and other services are mostly located nearer urban and suburban areas.

Another thing is you would need to travel to the nearest area where schools, hospitals, and shopping centers are present.

Less Security

Mostly the open areas of rural areas like living in the fields can mean less security, unlike urban and suburban neighborhoods.

Can Be Isolated

Because of the demographic differences, living in rural areas can be quite isolating. It’s also rare for people to have neighbors in rural areas, if so, small towns can have few residences.

The Benefits of Living in Suburban Areas

Unlike urban areas and rural communities, the suburban lifestyle just fits the middle for most individuals, so if you’re still not convinced, here are reasons why most city dwellers are moving to suburban neighborhoods.


You may not be familiar but airport bases are nearby rural and suburban areas because of their low densely populated neighborhood. If you’re a frequent traveler or a family member overseas, suburban areas will make it accessible for you.

Just like the Condo near NAIA airportsuch as Hermosa by Crown Asia. A peaceful and quiet community without compromising accessibility and convenience.

More Space

Because of the densely populated suburban neighborhood, suburban residents have more space to go around and enjoy a peaceful and quiet neighborhood.

Urban sprawl or urban areas continue to expand as more individuals seek opportunities in the city.

More Access to Amenities

Despite being outside major cities, amenities in suburban neighborhoods are not lacking. There are still ample shopping centers, dining, and convenience stores.

Recreational parks are more accessible given the lower population in these neighborhoods which is perfect for families.

Suburban residents have an advantage with their education. School establishments are funded better which gives access to facilities, equipment, and other educational opportunities like music, art, and sport.

Work-life Balance

Suburban lifestyle has an easy work-life balance given all the access to amenities and more space, a slower pace of life makes it easy for families or individuals to go home without the stress of traffic, pollution, and crowds, and just relax.

There are also larger housing spaces in the suburbs not just for rooms but also for garages, parking, backyard, and other spaces for your home that may not be easily accessible given the area offered in urban communities.

Easier Transit

In contrast to the urban area, living in a suburban neighborhood means less traffic congestion.

It may be difficult to commute along metropolitan areas, there’s less traffic in the suburbs which makes it easier to commute going to work or school. It also makes it better for those looking to walk going to their destination.

Parking space is also less of a worry living in a suburban community. Because of more space, road safety, and infrastructure are easily prioritized unlike in the cities.

Closer to the Community

Urban areas may have homeowners associations or may seem to have bigger communities, but majorly, those in suburban areas have closer ties to their communities.

The suburban community would mean seeing your neighbors more often and more local community events such as school plays, holiday markets, farmers markets, and other community events. 

Many cities have difficulty with community events since most have access already to groceries or other events. Besides that, it may be too crowded for some people since homeowners are not the only ones welcoming to community events.

Closer to Nature

Far away from the bustling city, suburban communities tend to have more access to cleaner air and better recreational gardens.

A densely populated life means less stress, fewer people, less pollution, more time to focus, and access to convenience. Suburban areas are easily accessible to nature.

If gardening isn’t your thing, having a backyard will be more enjoyable than living in the suburbs not to mention, outdoor living is easier, unlike life in the cities.

Are Suburban Communities Sustainable?

Lastly, with all that’s said about the benefits of a suburban lifestyle, the best is sustainability. As smaller communities, it means less energy being used unlike those in urban neighborhoods. The air quality is also better in the suburbs than in the city.

And of course, there are plenty of green spaces unlike here in the metro area where shopping districts, residences, and corporate buildings are rising.

Final Thoughts

As prospective homeowners, it’s important to know which location you would want to purchase your property. Choosing would greatly affect the lifestyle of your choice or your family with the kind of community that surrounds you.

Living in the suburbs would be a great option if you prefer the in-betweens of the city and the rural areas.

Read more: Living in Upland: Embracing Serenity, Natural Beauty, and Tranquility.

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