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5 Productivity Apps You Can Maximize At Home

By: Crown Asia
5 Productivity Apps You Can Maximize At Home

Updated as of March 16, 2023

Nowadays, people balance their daily tasks by allotting a specific time for them. When you would assign tasks, it may get overwhelming with the number of things to get done which makes the productivity level drop. Most would just procrastinate and leave the task to do for another day until their personal to-do list piles up.

In these times, getting things done can be challenging with everyone seeking sanctuary in their homes from the pandemic. But it is important to still be able to be productive while still keeping good mental health at home in your house and lot; in the Philippines, it could be hard to be productive with how tempting it is for you to be with your family or to simply watch Netflix all day. This blog will help you find a way to be productive in your home and be successful in your work while at home, and all you need are five productivity apps to keep you focused and balance your time.

How to be productive at home when manual task management just isn’t enough?

How to be productive at home when manual task management just isn't enough

Despite having a to-do list at hand, it is best to have your own task management or best productivity apps at bay to ensure an efficient day ahead. Plus, you won’t be overwhelmed and overloaded with the things that you have to accomplish.

As technology evolves, people get to use the benefit of the different innovations that it produces. Now that people have almost everything available online and on their phones, the applications that go with it also have various uses that could help in your daily tasks.

Best productivity apps to download

Best productivity apps to download

Other apps are used to monitor fitness, messages, calls, and many more. Through productivity apps, get to boost productivity and stay focused on the things that you’ll have to do for the day with its assistance.

Staying productive and managing different tasks lets you manage time effectively. Thus giving you the perfect work-life balance that you should ideally have. Listed below are the best productivity apps that help you have free time and show you your project progress within the palm of your hands.



photo from: https://twitter.com/todoist/

The Todoist application is best for the project and task management. This application allows you to properly manage your to-do list. Get to record and group tasks together that are based on the same projects. Organize tasks to utilize your time wisely. Project management tools such as Todoist also lets you collaborate with other of your team members and assign tasks.

Having a shared to-do list on Todoist can be a great channel that encourages teamwork.

Google Docs

Google Docs

The perfect way to organize projects and collaborate on documents with real-time tracking is through this application. You and your team members may be able to do tasks together and do note-taking simultaneously. Beat due dates and accomplish those documents together. Through this browser extension and app, add your ideas and key points together on the same documents.

Google docs’ features allow you to reduce corrections with its grammar and spelling checker. It’s the easy-to-use interface is friendly for all members that will be utilizing it. Don’t worry about not saving your work on this app as it automatically saves your work in google drive so you won’t have to panic.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

photo from: https://support.microsoft.com

Working from home is made easier with Microsoft Teams.

Meet with your team members via audio and video calls. This is perfect to use for juggling multiple deadlines while doing the work simultaneously. This is a great app or communication tool that also has the feature of scheduling meetings on a google calendar that redirects it to the team’s app or even to a partnered application that may be compatible for usage.

Have a productive day with team members even in the comfort of your Crown Asia home.

IFTTT (If This Then That)

IFTTT (If This Then That)

photo from: https://staceyoniot.com/

This automation tool seamlessly connects you to your favorite apps. It is a great system for visual cross-platform interfaces. For example, you may ask google calendar to set a pomodoro timer for staying focused and productive.

It can be used as a time-tracking app that helps you meet due dates and updates your task manager all in one simple interface. Plus, you wouldn’t need a paid plan for this application as you can use its free version on the web. Change your daily routine with this app as it automates your web-based tasks and lets you stay productive throughout the day.

Forest App

Forest App

photo from: https://www.forestapp.cc/

The forest application is best for staying focused.

Those who have recurring tasks are most likely to be the ones who do get distracted at times with their phones. This app targets focus sessions to be able to accomplish and prioritize tasks whenever needed. Have feasible work hours without any distractions.

How does it work? Whenever you feel too distracted, open the app and plant a tree. The tree will continue to grow as long as you are staying productive and focused without touching your phone.

However, if you do exit the app without completing your task, the tree dies. But if you’re an avid user of this app, you can plant an entire forest. Most users enjoy this simple interface as it also comes along with soothing sounds that accompany your forest collection.

Some even better news is that the Forest app has also partnered with “Trees For the Future” which lets users redeem their earned coins and plant actual trees in real life.

Maximize your to-do list at home

Maximize your to-do list at home

Through the help of these task managers and different apps, be able to continue your productivity at home. Do smaller tasks at a time before you add tasks to your to-do list.

For those who may still find it a struggle to be able to accomplish tasks in a quick manner of the time, use the pomodoro technique. Have a healthy breakfast before starting the day, then plot out your day. Have a basic plan that’ll help you level up your work week with your meeting notes ready for the day.

Make your Crown Asia home a safe haven that can suit your work life and work hours with all of the productivity tips and apps that were included. Explore them to your use and advantage with other team members to stay focused. Level up your game when you create tasks and accomplish them within your home.

Once you’ve been accomplished everything efficiently, get to take nestle in comfort of your home, worry-free!

Read more: A Guide to the Groceries and Supermarkets in the South

Updated on March 17, 2023

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